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Issue 54, April 2016

Â鶹ÊÓƵ can help you  

On March 25, after some two decades of work, OSHA has at last issued the much-anticipated silica standard, a standard that will save the lives of thousands of construction workers who cut concrete, grind mortar or perform dozens of other tasks that expose them to respirable silica dust. It will preserve the health of tens of thousands more whose work puts them at risk of silicosis, COPD and lung cancer.

In the days to come, countless construction contractors, workers and safety professionals will be looking for guidance on this hazard. Â鶹ÊÓƵ can help. I invite you to consult , our one-stop online resource with information and tools to help identify silica hazards, understand the health risk, and easily find equipment and methods to control the dust. 
A central feature of the site is the tool. This e-tool allows you to develop a job-specific plan for controlling silica exposures in just three easy steps, and includes options for identifying a material's silica content, determining the level of exposure, and finding available controls. As you make selections and enter information, silica-safe generates a control plan tailored to your jobsite that you can save, print, email, and -- as an added benefit -- use as a toolbox talk on the job.
Work Safely with Silica is a snap to use, can make compliance with the new standard simpler, and can save lives. Visit the site today at !

Pete Stafford
Executive Director

April 20th @ 2:00pm (ET), 1 hr. -- Building a safety culture: Improving Safety and Health Management in the Construction Industry. Stephen Jones, Senior Director of Industry Insights Research for Dodge Data & Analytics, will present 33 leading indicators of a strong safety culture and examine how companies that have wide use of many of these indicators also engage in more safety management practices and experience much stronger benefits from their safety investments. .

Save the Date! Next up, May 18th: Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) Training for Construction 

Recently Published Journal Articles by Â鶹ÊÓƵ Scholars

Gavin H. West, Bruce E. Lippy, Michael R. Cooper, Daniel Marsick, Leonard G. Burrelli, Kelsey N. Griffin, and Alan M. Segrave. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, February 2016.

Gavin H. West, Jaime Dawson, Claire Teitelbaum, Rebecca Novello, Katherine Hunting, and Laura S. Welch. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, January 2016 (published online ahead of print)

. Xiuwen Sue Dong, Xuanwen Wang, Julie A. Largay, and Rosemary Sokas. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, February 2016.





Â鶹ÊÓƵ -- Â鶹ÊÓƵ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by North America's Building Trades Unions, AFL-CIO. Working with partners like you in business, labor, government, and the universities, we strive every day to make work safer for the ten million men and women who work in the U.S. construction industry!